international day for the elimination of racial discrimination 뜻
- 국제 인종 차별 철폐의 날
- international: adjective, noun, 국제(상)의, 국제(간)의,
- day: noun, 낮, 하루, (노동 시간의)하루,
- elimination: noun, 제거, 배출, 예선, 소거
- racial: adjective, adverb, 인종(상)의, 종족의,
- discrimination: noun, 구별, 차별, 식별
- international convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination: 모든 형태의 인종차별 철폐에 관한 국제협약
- international day for the elimination of violence against women: 여성 폭력 국제 추방의 날
- racial harmony day: 민족화합의 날
- convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women: 여성에 대한 모든 형태의 차별철폐에 관한 협약
- racial: adjective, adverb, 인종(상)의, 종족의, 민족의, ~ly
- international anti-corruption day: 국제 부패 반대의 날
- international civil aviation day: 국제 민간 항공의 날
- international co-operative day: 국제 협동조합의 날
- international dance day: 세계 춤의 날
- international day for biological diversity: 국제 생물 다양성의 날
기타 단어
- "international data group" 뜻
- "international date line" 뜻
- "international day against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia" 뜻
- "international day for biological diversity" 뜻
- "international day for the abolition of slavery" 뜻
- "international day for the elimination of violence against women" 뜻
- "international day for the eradication of poverty" 뜻
- "international day for the preservation of the ozone layer" 뜻
- "international day for tolerance" 뜻
- "international day for biological diversity" 뜻
- "international day for the abolition of slavery" 뜻
- "international day for the elimination of violence against women" 뜻
- "international day for the eradication of poverty" 뜻